Prayer for Favourable Weather

God our Father, we turn to you, the source of all goodness and grace. We come before you with humble hearts, seeking your divine intervention in the rhythm of the seasons. Bless us with the favourable weather which we so badly need at this time especially for our farming community and all others whose livelihoods depend on it. Grant them strength and perseverance in their work. In their labour may they find solace and fulfilment, knowing that their efforts contribute to the well-being of our communities. Bless them with resilience in the face of challenges and grant them moments of peace amidst the storms of life. Help us, as faith communities, to support and uplift them, recognising the vital role they play in sustaining life. Guide us, Lord, to be mindful stewards of the earth and compassionate neighbours to those who cultivate it. May your loving presence be a beacon of hope and strength for all. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.